10 research outputs found

    Projet ANR MORE : Documentation développeur sur l'estimation de la consommation énergétique

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    Le projet MORE (Multicriteria Optimizations for Real-time Embedded systems) est un projet visant à proposer une plateforme permettant d'optimiser du code de façon itérative selon 3 critères et de façon conjointe : la taille du code, la consommation énergétique liée aux accès à la mémoire et le temps d'exécution pire cas. Ce projet repose sur la plateforme logicielle Otawa de l'IRIT. Après avoir brièvement décrit le projet MORE, ce rapport détaille les travaux d'implantation réalisés à l'INRIA Nancy Grand Est, principalement liés à l'estimation de l'énergie et l'optimisation mémoire

    Open-PEOPLE : Ergonomics

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    Our software platform is composed of several tools implemented as a set of Eclipse plugins using the Eclipse RCP standard "extension point" mechanism. This is the lightweight software integration model we decided to use during the conception of the OPSWP (see deliverable D2.2 for details), whose graphical consistency is guaranteed a minima thanks to the basic UI mechanisms (SWT widgets, workspace, etc.) of the Eclipse RCP. Each one of the integrated software tools is part of the model-driven workflow used by our platform to implement its features; however, these tools are not basically conceived to work together, thus undermining the coherency and usability of the OPSWP. Since the usability of our future software platform is a major concern for us, we are putting much effort into the harmonization of the various software elements to offer the best possible user experience to the system architects who will be our main users. The purpose of this document is to describe how we intend to provide good ergonomics to the OPSWP: we will especially explain the choices we made about the GUI conception. Ergonomics are only a question of usability, which depends on the good organization of GUI, on good use of visual components, forms, and so on. Ergonomics don't define neither the graphic charter nor the visual identity of our software: these "artistic" considerations are part of the project's task 6 (dissemination). The present study is divided into several consecutive parts: we first begin by analyzing user profiles and their related tasks, then we review the technical and architectural constraints that are imposed to us. From all of these, we eventually build a style guide, that defines the usability requirements that shall be followed as guidelines to implement the graphical user interfaces (GUIs) of the OPSWP software elements with the expected consistency. This document - not planned at the beginning - is part of task 2 of the OP project. This task is under the responsibility of the INRIA NGE team, and its main goal is the specification, conception and implementation of the OPSWP

    Specification for the Open-PEOPLE software platform (user side)

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    Le projet Open-PEOPLE est un projet visant à offrir la possibilité d'estimer la consommation d'architectures matérielles et logicielles modélisées à différents niveaux de précision. Ce document introduit les spécifications fonctionnelles par niveau de priorité (obligatoire, sou-haité, secondaire). Il précise également les différents cas d'utilisation attendu par la plateforme logicielle et fournit différents diagrammes d'activité

    Configuration d'Eclipse pour le portail de télécommande de la plateforme matérielle du projet ANR Open-PEOPLE.

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    Ce document explique comment configurer Eclipse pour le portail de télécommande web de la plateforme matérielle Open-PEOPLE

    Manuel d'administration de l'espace collaboratif wiki du projet ANR Open-PEOPLE

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    Ce rapport porte sur la façon de configurer et d'administrer le Wiki Xwiki servant d'espace collaboratif au projet ANR Open-PEOPL

    A framework to experiment optimizations for real-time and embedded software

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    Typical constraints on embedded systems include code size limits, upper bounds on energy consumption and hard or soft deadlines. To meet these requirements, it may be necessary to improve the software by applying various kinds of transformations like compiler optimizations, specific mapping of code and data in the available memories, code compression, etc. However, a transformation that aims at improving the software with respect to a given criterion might engender side effects on other criteria and these effects must be carefully analyzed. For this purpose, we have developed a common framework that makes it possible to experiment various code transfor-mations and to evaluate their impact of various criteria. This work has been carried out within the French ANR MORE project.Comment: International Conference on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS2), Toulouse : France (2010

    Realistic Face Animation for Audiovisual Speech Applications: A Densification Approach Driven by Sparse Stereo Meshes

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceBeing able to produce realistic facial animation is crucial for many speech applications in language learning technologies. Reaching realism needs to acquire and to animate dense 3D models of the face which are often acquired with 3D scanners. However, acquiring the dy- namics of the speech from 3D scans is difficult as the acquisition time generally allows only sustained sounds to be recorded. On the contrary, acquiring the speech dynamics on a sparse set of points is easy using a stereovision recording a talker with markers painted on his/her face. In this paper, we propose an approach to animate a very realistic dense talking head which makes use of a reduced set of 3D dense meshes ac- quired for sustained sounds as well as the speech dynamics learned on a talker painted with white markers. The contributions of the paper are twofold: We first propose an appropriate principal component anal- ysis (PCA) with missing data techniques in order to compute the basic modes of the speech dynamics despite possible unobservable points in the sparse meshes obtained by the stereovision system. We then propose a method for densifying the modes, that is a method for computing the dense modes for spatial animation from the sparse modes learned by the stereovision system. Examples prove the effectiveness of the approach and the high realism obtained with our method

    Open-PEOPLE : Architecture and Implementation

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    Our software platform is designed, from the very beginning, to be extensible : not only is the library of available components (both hardware and software) for modeling open for extension with user-defined data; the set of features offered by the platform is also extensible, all of these features being provided by "plug-ins" (a.k.a. "add-ons", i.e. code modules) integrated into OPSWP. The purpose of this document is to describe the implementation of the Eclipse plugins developed by INRIA NGE within the development of the OPSWP, in collaboration with all project partners. More specifically, it describes in further details the functionalities cited in deliverable D2.1, at each plugin level. This document, not planned at the beginning, is part of task 2. The task's goal is the specification, conception and implementation of OPSWP, which is the main task of the INRIA NGE team